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Host bands

Host band overiew

You can look at this like a "standard gig" with 2 opening artists. As a Host Band you will be providing:

  • front-of-house sound/PA
  • lighting
  • sound mix engineer
  • drums (Schmidt's BBQ, King's Tavern, Black Walnut, MacDowell's Brew Kitchen, Town Green, Courthouse)

You should also coordinate with the other artists on backline and their configuration. We will provide you with the contact information of the two other performers in a few weeks. Host Bands will receive a payment and optional food/drink depending on the venue.

If you have any questions, please contact Event Manager, Michael Gauvreau


Venue manager overview

Venue Managers are the primary point of contact at each Venue. As a Venue Manager, you will:

  • Keep the schedule on track
  • Sell T-Shirts
  • Support musicians and volunteers


Venue bag contents:

  • One Paypal reader (will be synched to your personal phone’s Bluetooth)
  • 7-10 event t-shirts, event wristbands, event maps, table tents,
  • Venue-specific food and drink Specials list, acrylic holder
  • “Gift Bags” of t-shirts for performers/sponsors at your venue


Arrive at HQ at 3-3:15pm.

Coldwell Banker office

25 King Street, between Market and Loudoun Sts.

1) You should already have the “EVENTBRITE ORGANIZER” app (Dark background with orange “e” logo) downloaded on your iPhone.

2) You should also have downloaded the GROUP ME app so that you have access to the BENEFIT TEAM group chat during the event. We use this thread on GROUP ME to inform HQ or other team members/venue managers, etc. of things during the event.

Once you’re arrived at HQ, check in with Meredith or Max.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to synch your PAYPAL reader to your Bluetooth on your personal phone. This allows you to accept card payments and donations. Work with Max or Meredith to synch your device properly. When you’ve synched your device, you’ll use it to scan printed tickets and check in the guests or to accept cash donations or to sell a festival pass. There’s a spot in the paypal reader to insert credit cards.

** Before you leave for the venue, we will do a test transaction on your device to show you what a transaction looks like.

The EventBrite app is to be able to locate guest’s names and scan printed tickets to the event. The guests usually go to HQ to do that, but some guests go directly to the venues, in which case you’ll need to check them in thru EventBrite at the venue and give them a wristband and a t-shirt.


For “walk up” guests, you can also sell new FESTIVAL DAY-OF passes and to sell extra event t-shirts and to accept credit card and cash donations on site at your venue.

Here are the steps to sell a walk up ticket:

  1. Open Eventbrite Organizer app,
  2. Open *live* Crossroads Music Festival 2023 tab
  3. At the bottom of the screen (left to rt) you’ll see icons for: Dashboard, SELL, CHECK-IN, and ORDERS
  4. Click on SELL and you’ll see Day-of Festival pass for $30 click on that and add number of passes and amount will automatically calculate. Click on pay and then use reader to complete action. If they’re paying cash, enter the amount they give you and if you need to give them change, it will calculate. ** will venue managers have petty cash to make change*
  5. Once transaction has cleared, give them a t-shirt, wristband and venue map.

Place all cash you receive in the provided envelope and keep safe at your venue; either in a pocket or purse. If you can write down on the envelope what all the cash transactions are from..write it as a memo form: (i.e., “$20 straight donation didn't want a receipt; or $60 for 2 festival passes for SMITH, gave $100 didn't want change so there’s $40 extra) This is very helpful to admin when trying to balance the financials of the event!

To check-in a guest who has prepaid but didn’t go to Coldwell Banker HQ, you can touch CHECK-IN icon on home screen on EventBrite and youll see an alphabetical list of orders and also see an orange circle with a + sign in lower right section of screen. You can manually type in the guests last name in search bar on top and swipe to checkin the guest that way, or you press orange circle to access you phone camera and scan the printed ticket.


  • Do not leave your cash envelope on the table or sitting in the red tote bag.

  • If you run out of supplies, at any time during your shift, please text the group chat on GROUP ME and a volunteer will bring you what you need. Also use the Group Me chat for any other issues, concerns, complaints that have to do with immediate need.

  • For example, you ran out of small t-shirts and wristbands, text the message: “This is Bill at MacDowells, I need more smalls and some wristbands”. Or “Please bring some water and snacks to Mary at Court House lawn”. You can also post photos you took on the GROUP ME. Amy Newton loves it when we take photos of the people, performances, etc. during the event and post them to the chat thread!

  • If you have a major problem with a guest, please send them to Coldwell Banker or call Meredith on your cell ph to discuss: 571-643-1755. We don’t ever want to say to a customer: “I don’t know, sorry! or I can’t help you, sorry.”

  • If you have to leave your post, to use the restroom or for another reason, please bring the cash envelope with you, and secure the red tote bag near the musicians, or under a table, or ask for a HS volunteer/ambassador to come to your venue to watch it while you’re away. ** If you have to leave for illness or another emergency, please text the GROUP ME chat to let us know, and then put all of your remaining supplies back in red tote and give to replacement volunteer and/or bring back to HQ.

  • At the end of the event, 10pm, disconnect the PayPal reader from your phone and put it in the red tote bag along with everything you have pertaining to the event - don't forget the table tent cards, and anything ‘Crossroads branded’ that’s portable - bring it to the HQ office at Coldwell Banker HQ office. If you want to count the cash that’s in your cash envelope and write it on the front, that is helpful, but not required.

ABOUT the CMF Organizers

Crossroads Music Festival is organized by BENEFIT (501(c)(3) - the coalition of musicians uniting people with music to raise funds and awareness for charities serving children.

all proceeds go to support charities in Loudoun county.

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